TYEN is a brand and community powered by The Young Creative Thinkers Initiative. It's fully registered with the Nigeria Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC) as a Non-governmental Organization (NGO) with the CAC/IT/NO: 127873. And compliant with the Money laundry (Prohibition) Act, 2011 as we are also certified by the Nigeria Special Control Unit Against Money Laundry (SCUML) with RN/SC: 041400360/077940
By joining TYEN CLUB, you agree to have consciously read and acknowledged all written terms & conditions, privacy policy, constitutions, Refund policy, and all relevant pages that state the aims and objectives of TYEN CLUB.
For the purpose of legal rights and matters, we present to you an agreement that binds you and us together, in regards to money laundry and fraud. So, if you register an account with TYEN CLUB, you legally agree to this policy and give us ("The Young Creative Thinkers Initiative") express permission to hand you/documents over to legal entities, if by any chance we discover any fraudulent actions on your account with TYEN CLUB or by using any of the services rendered by TYEN as a brand.
In this regard, we hereby clearly state that TYEN CLUB is known only for her good conduct and exemplary lifestyle; so every member of the club who goes against the code of conducts of the club is doing that at their own sole discretion.
If by any chance, any member of our club is found guilty of any illegal action against the laws of Nigeria and that of the international laws, TYEN CLUB reserves the full right without further consent to hand over all member's documents in our custody to the respective legal entity, and after which, evict such a member from being part of the club for a considerable period of time.
Also, TYCT INITIATIVE disclaims having knowledge of any fraudulent act or illegal actions performed by any member of TYEN CLUB, either with/without the name, website/s, services, and/or our organization's membership card. And thereby state that all illegal acts performed by any member of TYEN CLUB, whether knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, doesn't have TYCT INITIATIVE and TYEN CLUB legal acknowledgments.
TYEN CLUB stands as the voice of the Youths only for truthful existence.
Join us - let's set the standards in peaceful cohabitation.